Adventure Cyclist

Scenes from the Saddle

About a third of the world’s population still cooks on fire, and our writer is one of them, now having cycled over 5,000 miles cooking with a twig stove. Here's how she makes it work, and her advice if you'd like to get started. 
Jan 22, 2024
James started losing his vision in 2000. By 2008, he was legally blind. He thought his days of adventuring were over, but in 2016, he worked with modifications on his setup and set out on a 236-mile tour in California.
Jan 16, 2024
In 2018, Daniel Troia rode across the country (and most of the way back) without bringing any of his own food or money. He relied on donations from people along the way, and set out to prove that people are inherently good. His ...
Jan 9, 2024
This summer, the Cola Town Bike Collective (CTBC) hosted two bike overnights for women, trans, femme, and nonbinary individuals, thanks in part to a mini grant from the Adventure Cycling Association. Here's their trip recap. 
Jan 3, 2024
Being a newer cyclist doesn't mean you can't try out bike touring. Claire's advice for women and female-presenting cyclists is to start with a beginner-friendly route like the C&O Canal and GAP Trail. 
Dec 26, 2023
In a brief moment between Czechoslovakia occupations, a young cyclist finds freedom. 
Dec 21, 2023
For Fairlight’s do-it-all touring bike, there’s some magic in those steel tubes. 
Dec 18, 2023
This summer, Vamos Outdoors Project was able to offer their first bikepacking experience over the course of three days, with help from an Adventure Cycling Association mini grant.
Dec 18, 2023
A cyclist not easily intimidated by challenging riding meets a formidable match in a blizzard-condition ascent of Loveland Pass
Dec 11, 2023
Finding gifts for your friends and loved ones can be stressful, but we’re here to help with our annual Geared Up Holiday Bonanza.