
Advertise in Adventure Cyclist

Published six times annually, each issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine is mailed to our entire association, now numbering 54,000 members.

Whether our magazines are hitting mailboxes during the height of the North American cycling season, or during the off-season, our members are always looking forward to their next adventure. The off-season issues are perfect for advertising upcoming rides, tours, bicycles, and cycling gear during the time of year when cyclists are upgrading equipment and making plans for next year's big ride.

For details on our circulation and demographics, editorial calendar, rates, and more information, download our 2024 Media Kit (PDF).

Advertise in our eNewsletter

You can also advertise in our Bike Bits newsletter, which reach more than 123,000 subscribers twice a month. For details, view the 2024 Media Kit.

Corporate Membership

Keep in mind that we have a Corporate Membership option that provides discounts for certain kinds of advertising.

Submission Guidelines


  • We only accept advertising creative in PDF or JPEG format. The file should be press-optimized, colorspace set to CMYK (not RGB), and resolution of 300 pixels per inch. Convert all spot colors to CMYK. Please include your company name in the filename.
  • Ad sizes and terms and conditions can be found here.


  • All ads should be 728x90 pixels.
  • Ads should be in gif, png, or jpg formats, with a resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
  • Advertisers must include the URL that you want to direct the ad to with your submission.
  • Files should be emailed to

Contact Information

Direct all rate, material, and production correspondence to:

Photo by Chuck Haney