Daniel Mrgan

Ep. 5 Hitting the Wall

May 25, 2020

When the going gets tough, they say, the tough get going. It’s a phrase that conjures rugged individualism — reminiscent of cowboys and dust and bootstraps. But when we hit a wall on a bicycle tour, we oftentimes don’t feel very tough.

Today we look at the tough moments, the ones that are completely out of our control, the ones we bring upon ourselves, and the ones that lead to bad ideas but great stories.

Perhaps it’s in these moments where we grow toughness, our fortitude and our resiliency.


Jasmine Reese, violinist/nomad

Jasmine Reese with her bicycle and dog, Fiji
Jasmine Reese, violinist/nomad, leaving a Warmshowers host.
Courtesy of Jasmine Reese

Jasmine and her dog, Fiji, have traveled over 10,000 miles on a bicycle across the U.S. and Canada. She completed her first journey with less than $50 in her pocket, no previous long-distance cycling experience, and no camping skills. Now she’s a full-time nomad, working remotely wherever she happens to land.

Read about her and Fiji’s adventures at FiJaPaw.com.

Alissa Bell, writer/software consultant

Alissa Bell and her bicycle in front of the Lincoln Memorial
Alissa Bell, writer/software consultant, in front of the Lincoln Memorial as part of Bike Nonstop US
Courtesy of Alissa Bell

Alissa first discovered bicycle travel through the stories of others, fell in love, and has since pedaled thousands of miles in all kinds of cool places. Now she writes to encourage others the way others encouraged her.

Discover resources about solo travel at her website, Exploring Wild, and on Adventure Cyclist’s blog.

Laura Killingbeck, writer/food systems educator

Laura cycling in Colombia
Laura Killingbeck, writer/food systems educator, cycling in Colombia
Courtesy of Laura Killingbeck

Laura has bikepacked thousands of miles in remote places around the world. She writes about adventure, gender, and ecology and is a frequent contributor to Permaculture Design Magazine, Communities Magazine, and Adventure Cycling’s Dynamo Jenny newsletter.

You can follow her adventures on Instagram and read all of her Adventure Cycling articles.

Related Reading

Rage Becomes Her by Soraya Chemaly
Lindy West
Little Weirds by Jenny Slate
Olivia Round
Recollections of My Nonexistence by Rebecca Solnit


Related Reading


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